Which Mom Am I?

When your child has a special need, regardless of whether it’s a developmental disability or a medically based complexity, parents want to champion these issues: to bring their knowledge and experiences to people so that we can educate and bring awareness to what makes our child special.  My problem is that I don’t know where …


With all of the social media that surrounds us, it was impossible to miss people discussing the things they were thankful for this weekend.  Everywhere I looked people were sharing tidbits of their lives and celebrating the small things that make them so fulfilling.  So while I’m a few days behind, here is my list …

Just Say It

You’ll excuse me if I self-indulge for a minute or two. Sometimes being Lily’s mom is hard. Please don’t misunderstand, I don’t think there is a mother out there who can’t say that it is a hard job – balancing responsibilities, conflicting needs, finding a balance that keeps you sane while still meeting the needs …