98582827495: the number of people in line at the Starbucks at Sick Kids today. 189: the number of days before I need to see my cardiologist again. 99: the highest my oxygen saturation levels were at today (does anyone else remember when we were happy when it was 77?) 30: the number of seconds it …
Happy Lil-Aversary!
One whole year. Guys, it’s been one whole year since I came to live with the mom’s. It’s been a crazy, whirlwind of a year, but I think overall it’s been pretty amazing. I feel so lucky to be living with my mom’s but really, I think that they might be the really lucky ones. …
It’s Been A While
Have you missed me? Mama C has been hogging the spotlight lately to write about her “feelings”, but luckily I’ve been really busy so I forgive her and I’m ready to take back the reins. I hope she’s not too sad about it. I really have been super busy. It’s just amazing how time flies …
So Long, Farewell…
A mom post tonight…. I know that there’s been a higher ratio of Mom:Lily post’s lately and I promise she’ll be back in the writers seat soon, but just one more for now. This was our first mother’s day – our first, real, mother’s day. We had a few people celebrate with us last year, …
Happiness and Knowing Smiles
A mom post tonight… There is something about Lily that really seems to attract people. I know that sounds like a proud mom boasting, and maybe this really does happen to everyone, but we seem to get stopped a lot when we’re out with Lily. There’s just something about her – her eyes, her squishy …
Sweet Potatos and Joey`s Birthday
So, a little while ago, I told you guys that I had this cold. It was super annoying because I couldn’t really breathe and I was all sniffly and gross. On top of that, it’s already hard for me to swallow sometimes (because of my low muscle tone) that when I’m sick it makes it …