After the CNE last week, the mom’s and I had a very lazy weekend. There were a lot of afternoon naps and snuggling on the couch while the mom’s watched some bad TV (I’m only a baby and even I know that 30 year old women should probably not be watching Degrassi Goes Hollywood, right …
Living It Up
I thought that Mama C was joking a little bit when she kept saying that we were going to cram an entire summer of fun into the two weeks before she goes back to that work place, but she wasn’t. That Mama knows about scheduling (they should give her a scheduling project at work….oh wait….). …
Naptime and Soccer and Bubbles….Oh My!
I had a really really really great day today. It started early, around 6:45am. This is the second morning in a row that I`ve chosen to wake the mom`s up with my beautiful voice just cooing into the monitor that they so nicely put above my face (so Mommy can hear me breathing). I think …
Staying Put
I’m home again. I’m hoping to stay here for quite some time because as much as I love Sick Kids when I have to be there, after 66 days I was ready to be back at my real home with just me, the mom’s and my dog Ellie. The doctor’s finally decided to let me …
A Rare Face…
A mom post tonight. They were able to pull the temporary Ng tube yesterday because our Lily is doing so well with her G-tube feeds. It’s a gorgeous face that’s been lurking behind that tube. A tube, that we’re now seeing must have been far more irritating and uncomfortable then we had ever thought because the personality change we have seen in the last 24 hours is remarkable. Lily has always been a happy, content baby but now she’s smiling all of the time, she let me brush her hair (getting all of the tangles out) and put in the pigtails without a peep and even let the nurse and I do her dressing change (which normally causes a total breakdown) without a single tear. Between stretching out her vein and getting rid of the Ng tube, it feels like we’re bringing home an entirely new kid. She’s amazing.
Lily – the (Ng) Tubeless Wonder!
I have had a really great week. I was worried about saying that because it seems that I sometimes manage to jinx myself and say that things are going well and then something happens and then I’m stuck telling you about something crappy. But so far this week is pretty good – I mean it …