Benton Modern, A Case Study On Art-Directed Responsive Web Typography

Sed justo leo, tristique eu dictum a, suscipit a velit. Pellentesque metus justo, auctor vitae vehicula commodo, aliquet quis lorem. Nam tincidunt aliquet convallis. Nam elit ante, euismod eu suscipit at, placerat vel risus. Curabitur facilisis elementum ipsum, a egestas quam feugiat sit amet. Nam id metus et elit pretium consectetur ut nec tellus. Sed …

The Amazing Constant Chaos

When you parent a child with special needs and any type of medical needs, you often hear people say, “I don’t know how you do it.”  Most of the time I just shrug it off because I don’t always know either, but as a parent, you don’t think about it, you just do it. However, …

Saying Thank You

On July 14, 2011 at 7:30am, 2 men became our family’s heroes. From that moment on it seemed incredible to me that we had barely spoken to them, didn’t know their names and never had the chance to say thank you. How was it possible that there were people just out there that had played …

A Sneak Peek of Mr. A

My “little” sister is only 2 years younger than I am and has 2 beautiful sons, yet I somehow have this image of her and her friends together and they’re all still so young.  When I think about them married with babies, it always takes me a moment to realize that they’re not too young …

Humble Pie

I am going to answer the questions that some of you have sent my way – all interesting ones and luckily all ones that are sharing-appropriate, but then this happened today: I don’t know how it’s possible but this one photo just highlights, for me at least, everything that we love about Lily’s school experience. …