Mama C and i had an amazing day today! It started with Mommy taking me to visit one of her schools. I met a lot of new people and all of the kids were very nice. They were a little curious about my tube but Mommy explained it to them and they thought it was pretty cool. Mama C was happy too because she got to sleep in a little extra before getting everything ready for our day. When Mommy and I got back home, we had just enough time to pack my stroller into the car and then we were off again, this time with Mama C and Mommy drove us to a place called “downtown”. Mama C and I got out of the car and we walked along the city streets until we came to this big tall building called “Jenna’s house”. We walked in the door and Auntie CC and Thor were waiting for us with two new people: Jenna and Dano (his real name is Darshan, but Thor doesn’t know how to say it yet). Jenna led the way and we ended up in this room that had a gigantic bathtub! For a moment I got antsy thinking that I was going to have to get in that tub, but it turns out that I just got to hang out on the deck with Auntie CC while Thor, Jenna and Dano all had a swimming lesson with Mama C. They looked like they were having a lot of fun and Jenna and Dano were so nice that I may just give this swimming thing a try (but not yet).
After the swimming lesson was over, I was really tired so I had a little catnap in my stroller while Mama C got dressed. When I woke up, she was feeding me while we were sitting in a new place called “Starbucks” (I went to a lot of new places today!). Even better, when I woke up Thor and Auntie CC were there too! They were kind enough to let me finish my lunch (complete with a vomit show for Thor) before we went for a walk so that Mama C and Auntie CC could get some lunch too. It took us a long time to get to lunch though because Mama C and Auntie CC are really good shoppers and we stopped a few times to pick me and Thor out some cool new clothes (like our matching Beatles tshirts!). While Thor and I were waiting for our mom’s to hurry up, I made sure that Mama C put my stroller close to his so that we could hang out. Thor taught me how to do hi-fives, although I still don’t really get it. But mostly he just talked to me and kept touching me to make sure that I was ok
ay. Finally our mom’s had some lunch and we decided to keep on walking. We walked for so long that I fell asleep again (can you blame me, I’m very little). Mama told me later that while we were walking, we found a park for Thor to play in and he was a little sad that I was sleeping and couldn’t play with him but I’m pretty sure he still had a good time. I woke up just in time to say goodbye to Auntie CC and Thor and then Mama C and I got on this big red thing called a streetcar (with some nice drivers who helped Mama with my stroller) which took us all the way home to Mommy!
Mommy couldn’t stay at home for very long though because she had to go back to work and I had to eat some dinner. I only vomited a little bit with dinner but because it was so hot outside today, Mama C said I still had to have a bath – even though she KNOWS that I hate it. But I showed her: I cried so hard that I started to choke (which is just a thing that I do) and then I vomited up all over her and my tube came out my nose! I had thought that by making my tube come out that it would mean Mommy would have to come home, but it turns out that Mama C had other plans.
I guess it’s a good thing, because it means that Mama C is much more comfortable with my tube thing now because instead of getting worried and calling Mommy and asking her to come and help, Mama C stayed totally cool, just called Mommy to tell her the story and then decided that she was going to put the tube back in all by herself….AFTER we played photographer! Mama C thought that since the tube was already out, that this would be a good time to take some pictures of me (wearing my orange tutu!!) without the tape blocking half of my face. We played photographer for a little while, until I kept putting my head on the pillows and trying to fall asleep. Then Mama C put the tube in (we had a rough start, but she did it quick and I only cried a little bit!) and then I got to eat again. I vomited really well after I ate (3 times, all down Mama C’s back!) but then my tummy felt better and I was all ready for bed.
Sound like a busy day for all, too bad about her tube.
I pray her op helps!
I absolutely love reading these blogs! Lily is adorable! <3