
If, fifteen years ago, you had told me that I would be able to sit in a room, reading medical records and understand the following sentence, “loss of grey-white differentiation consistent with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopthy; insult occurring in the bilateral parietal, temporal, occipital lobes and occurring the the posterior frontal lobe along the vertex”, I …

Which Mom Am I?

When your child has a special need, regardless of whether it’s a developmental disability or a medically based complexity, parents want to champion these issues: to bring their knowledge and experiences to people so that we can educate and bring awareness to what makes our child special.  My problem is that I don’t know where …

Those Genetics…

A mom post tonight…. It’s become part of our routine to see Lily’s birth parents every few months. We really enjoy seeing them: watching the expression on their faces when they see how much she has grown and what she can do.  There is something immensely fulfilling about watching her birth dad hold her for …

Busy Busy Busy

I’m very popular here at Sick Kids and it keeps me very busy.  Everyday someone called “transport” comes and wheels me away in my bed, with Mama C trailing after us, to take me to see a new part of the hospital.  Sometimes, they get confused and don’t realize that I’ve already been to Ultrasound …